I would like introduce this wonderful new book in the BBT bookcase to you.
Author: Robyn Bachar
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Publisher: Robyn Bachar
Publish Date: 6/1/15
From the Back:
Just one spell will change their fates…
Cordelia is a pawn of House Dorchada—a notorious noble family comprised of thieves, assassins and dark wizards. Desperate to avoid their poisonous politics, Cordelia plotted her escape for years, but her carefully laid plans are jeopardized when her father commands her to marry an aged lord of Frostever.
With only a few short months left before her wedding, Cordelia’s salvation hinges on creating a Sephra’s Tear—a forbidden amulet that causes overwhelming lust in its victim. A black market buyer promises a life-changing amount of coin as payment for the Tear, but being caught creating it carries a death sentence.
Two wizards are needed to produce the passion to fuel the erotic spell, so Cordelia recruits the aid of peasant wizard Nathaniel Ravenwood. Nathaniel has long denied his desire for the beautiful Cordelia. As a noblewoman and a Dorchada she is as dangerous to Nathaniel as a viper, but the fortune she offers is a temptation he can't refuse.
Dealing in dark magic comes with a price, and Cordelia and Nathaniel risk losing their freedom—and their hearts. Their fates depend on the one spell that will free them, or destroy them.
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Nathaniel’s study was located in the lower levels of the stronghold, carved out of the stone the city was built upon, where the wizards of limited financial means lived and trained. The décor changed with each floor she descended, the layers of artistry and comfort stripped away until the walls and floor were bare gray stone. Like everything in White Harbor, the lines dividing the wealthy and the poor were clear. Cordelia enjoyed the tangible privileges of noble birth, but she knew she wouldn’t have them for much longer. She’d gladly give up silk and perfume for the freedom that wool and sweat would bring her.
When she arrived at Nathaniel’s door she paused and inhaled a deep breath. Cordelia had committed many small larcenies, and a Sephra’s Tear would be the boldest sin she had ever attempted. Cordelia’s hand trembled as she raised it, and she knocked and opened the door when she heard him bid her enter.
Seated at the aged desk dominating the room, Nathaniel glanced up from the book he had been reading. Surprise flickered across his face for a moment before he rose.
“Lady Dorchada. I won’t have your money until the first of next month.”
“Yes, I know.”
“Then to what do I owe this honor?” Though the question was phrased respectfully, his tone was suspicious. She couldn’t blame him - a Dorchada at one’s door was never a harbinger of good news.
Cordelia stepped into the tiny room and let the door shut behind her. He had a desk, a small alchemy table and a stove for heat. There was one other chair, but it was occupied by a tall stack of books. She glanced at it and gave Nathaniel a pointed look. Rounding his desk, he cleared the books away and waved his guest to take a seat.
“Thank you.” The stiff chair was uncomfortable, but Cordelia sat in it primly. “I apologize for the interruption. I will try not to keep you long. I have a new business proposition.”
“You have my attention.” Nathaniel returned to his seat and watched her with a neutral expression. She hesitated as the well-rehearsed speech vanished from her thoughts. Cordelia cleared her throat and tried to phrase her request as politely as possible.
“I need assistance with casting a somewhat difficult spell, and I hope that you may be able to aid me.”
“What sort of spell?” Nathaniel tended to be brusque, and his straightforwardness added to the anxiety tying her stomach into knots.
“One that would require discretion, should you choose to be involved.”
Nathaniel sat back and folded his hands in his lap. “All of our dealings require discretion, my lady. Thus far I’ve been impressed by your caution.”
Cordelia nodded. “Thank you. It is a Sephra’s Tear. A potent Tear.”
The wizard’s dark eyebrows rose to nearly his hairline. He raised his folded hands, covering his mouth to hide his expression. She admired his composure in response to such an unusual request—he probably didn’t often have women arriving unannounced at his door to ask that he make love to them until they both collapsed. Then again, he just might, considering how attractive he was. Nathaniel was older than Cordelia, but not by much. Unbound, his long black hair fell past his shoulders. As with most wizards Nathaniel’s hands were slender, hinting at dexterity instead of strength, and he had high, sharp cheekbones that most of the noble ladies in White Harbor would kill to be graced with. His plain, charcoal robes were well made, but were durable instead of fashionable. Cordelia found his eyes to be his most interesting feature; pale, crystalline blue, Nathaniel’s eyes were mesmerizing, though they were usually filled with suspicion when looking at her.
With the strength that an abuse woman tend to hide from their abusers, Cordelia works on a plan that not only will free her, but her half-sister; Cara as well. We see magic, endurance, and love endure thought out the book. But the dilemma becomes a crutch when she must struggle with the decision to use dark magic in order to escape. A decision that will have consequences for those around her too.
The book was tastefully done when it came to the sex scenes without being overworked & raunchy. There are some twist of suspense that will keep your interest peaked. I won't give too many details away so that I don't spoil the book for you. I have to admit that between the the magic, romance and titillating turns for me wonder if there will be a second book in this series. I can think of a couple ways that the story line can go and hope to see more in the future. Overall I think the book is worthy of a 4 star status.
***Note*** I received this ARC from BBT for the exchange of my honest opinion of the book. Please
remember that these are my own thoughts on this series of books.
Now of course there are other stops on the tour that could include interviews, several guest blog stops and more reviews. Be sure to check them out!
July 6 Interview
ARe Café
July 6 Spotlight
3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, and Sissy, Too!
July 7 Review
Dowie’s Place
July 8 Interview
Daniela Ark
July 8 Review
The Bibliophile Chronicles
July 9 Guest blog
Marsha A. Moore
July 10 Spotlight
Roxanne’s Realm
July 13 Spotlight
Lisa’s World of Books
July 14 Interview
Sophia Tallon
July 14 Spotlight
T's Stuff
July 15 Guest blog
Butterfly-o-Meter Books
July 16 Spotlight
Fang-tastic Books
July 17 Guest blog
Books N Pearls
July 20 Spotlight
Dark Side of Romance
July 21 Spotlight
Share My Destiny
July 21 Spotlight
Marianne Willis Author
June 22 Guest blog
Highlighted Author
July 23 Interview
Shut Up and Read
July 24 Guest blog
Sapphyria's Book Reviews
July 24 Spotlight
Jodie Pierce's Ink Slinger's Blog
July 24 Spotlight
Shyla Wolff
July 27 Review
Ramblings of a Quilter
July 28 Spotlight
Houston Havens
July 29 Interview
Deal Sharing Aunt
July 29 Review
Diaries of 2 Thick Chicks
July 30 Review
Books and Authors
July 29 Spotlight
Lisa Medley
July 31 Spotlight
CBY Book Club
August 3 Spotlight
Susan Heim on Writing
August 3 Review
Literary Musings
August 3 Review
Paranormal Romance and Authors That Rock
Robyn Bachar enjoys writing stories with soul mates, swords, spaceships, vampires and gratuitous violence against the kitchen sink. Her books have final-ed twice in the PRISM Contest for Published Authors, twice in the Passionate Plume Contest, and twice in the EPIC eBook Awards. As a gamer, Robyn has spent many hours rolling dice, playing rock-paper-scissors, and slaying creatures in mmorpgs.
You can find Robyn online at www.robynbachar.com and on Twitter at @RobynBachar.
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Well time to give this a wrap. Until next time...