Oh which reminds me.... here is a reminder that tomorrow Oct. 1st; we start a new Blog Hop!!! That's right "Leaf Me Happy" is starting!!! This wonderful Fall/Autumn themed hop is bound to have lots of neat Block Patterns, Tutorials & Give-Aways to offer. This Blog Hop is Hosted by Cherry of http://www.cherryblossomsquiltingstudio.com/ and Madame Sam of http://www.sewwequilt.com/ . Thanks ladies for allowing to come play with y'all! Here is the main schedule and I really hope that you will join us!! Just a FYI be sure to come back on the 4th as I have a great little give-away that I'm offering. Ohhhh that's right I got to go get me a random number generator thingy... lol. Yes that is a technical term.
Master Schedule
October 1-10, 2012
Monday 1
Tuesday 2
Wednesday 3
Thursday 4
Ramblings of a Quilter {{{{waving ;) Here I am}}}}
Friday 5
Monday 8
Tuesday 9
Wednesday 10
The Movie That Starts a Movement
Do you remember this movie with Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt and Haley Joel Osment? This movie has a very important lesson or two in it and always bring a tear or two as I watch it quite regularly. We all know that quilters are a wonderful community who love to "Pay it Forward" to all those around them. Be it in quilts & pillowcases for Charity, Homeless or Battered Women & Children; they also love to give to newbies like myself or others who could use a little pick me up. Well the reason I'm trying to get to is I once again came across the "Paying It Foward" thread today as I was catching up some blogs when visiting Sara of http://theamerineclan.blogspot.com . She is taking part in this and I thought I would too. It is a swap where the "poster" will pick three winners and make them a homemade gift sometime during the following 365 days. Then each of the three winners will do the same. Like when a rain drop hits a puddle. You can visually see the ripples as the move out towards the edges. So how about we all become ripples in this great movement?
The rules are few but simple and are as follows:
1. I will create a crafty gift for three people who will be randomly picked that leave a comment to this post. This is a surprise, and will arrive to you anytime within the next 365 days.
2. Upon signing up for Pay it Forward (PIF), you are committing yourself to the project...someone pays it forward to you, so you pay it forward to others! Even if you didn't win here ~~ please feel free to start your own PIF chain!! Just post this, or something similar so others can get involved. Basically you will create your own post where you create gifts for 3 people as well.
3. You need to have an active blog of your own...{or some way to post up your PIF info like a flickr, pinterest, or Facebook account. Basically you'll need a place to announce your own PIF and to post some pics of the process.}
4. After winning persons are announced on this post, post something similar on your blog...so you can spread the "Pay It Forward" love. I will email you asking for your mailing address {and the online address where you are posting your PIF info} so I can get your crafty treat in the mail. Please make sure your email address is visible on your profile or leave it in the comment.
Wow!!! And here I was thinking this would be a short posting as I prepare for Thursday. Just guess I had some interesting ramblings on's that I wanted to share today.
Be sure to take part in my PIF by leaving me a comment below. Let's see with fall upon us and the "Leaf Me Happy" blog starting tomorrow ~~ tell me what your favorite charitable cause is that you work on once the cooler weather starts to set in.
Off for more coffee and to start the day. I hope to see you Thursday!