Sunday, September 30, 2012

Another Month Ends

Well it's another cool morning outside from the looks of it. The day is brightening up as I sit here drinking my 1st dose of hazelnut coffee as I'm pondering what I'm going do with my day.  I try to make a short list of goals that I want to accomplish  and the size depends on my "get-up & go" factor. Some days it really hard and I feel like my "giddy-up" has long gotten up and left the barn before I even thought to crack an eyelid.  I think I might 'venture outside for a short time and grab some pictures of the trees as they are really starting to show their fall colors.  If I get some really nice ones, I'll show them off on Thursday.  Do you realize that we are sitting on the last day of another month?  Where has all that time been flying?  This is my favorite time of the year but it's also the busiest as I realize that I have to really start cracking down on those Secret Santas that I signed up for, and Christmas presents that sounded really good at the time that now laugh at me in their collective choas on my time.  OH VAY!!!! Where Did the Time GO!!!!

Oh which reminds me.... here is a reminder that tomorrow Oct. 1st; we start a new Blog Hop!!! That's right "Leaf Me Happy" is starting!!!  This wonderful Fall/Autumn themed hop is bound to have lots of neat Block Patterns, Tutorials & Give-Aways to offer.  This Blog Hop is Hosted by Cherry of  and Madame Sam of .  Thanks ladies for allowing to come play with y'all!  Here is the main schedule and I really hope that you will join us!!  Just a FYI  be sure to come back on the 4th as I have a great little give-away that I'm offering.  Ohhhh that's right I got to go get me a random number generator thingy... lol.  Yes that is a technical term.

                                 Master Schedule
October 1-10, 2012

Monday 1

Tuesday 2

Wednesday 3

Thursday 4
Ramblings of a Quilter   {{{{waving ;)  Here I am}}}}

Friday 5

Monday 8
Tuesday 9

Wednesday 10

                                                   The Movie That Starts a Movement

Do you remember this movie with Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt and Haley Joel Osment?  This movie has a very important lesson or two in it and always bring a tear or two as I watch it quite regularly.  We all know that quilters are a wonderful community who love to "Pay it Forward" to all those around them.  Be it in quilts & pillowcases for Charity,  Homeless or Battered Women & Children; they also love to give to newbies like myself or others who could use a little pick me up.  Well the reason I'm trying to get to is I once again came across the "Paying It Foward"  thread today as I was catching up some blogs when visiting Sara of .  She is taking part in this and I thought I would too.  It is a swap where the "poster" will pick three winners and make them a homemade gift sometime during the following 365 days. Then each of the three winners will do the same. Like when a rain drop hits a puddle.  You can visually see the ripples as the move out towards the edges.  So how about we all become ripples in this great movement? 

The rules are few but simple and are as follows:

1. I will create a crafty gift for  three people who will be randomly picked  that leave a comment to this post. This is a surprise, and will arrive to you anytime within the next 365 days.

2. Upon signing up for Pay it Forward (PIF), you are committing yourself to the project...someone pays it forward to you, so you pay it forward to others! Even if you didn't win here ~~ please feel free to start your own PIF chain!!  Just post this, or something similar so others can get involved. Basically you will create your own post where you create gifts for 3 people as well.

3. You need to have an active blog of your own...{or some way to post up your PIF info like a flickr, pinterest, or Facebook account. Basically you'll need a place to announce your own PIF and to post some pics of the process.} 

4. After winning persons are announced on this post, post something similar on your you can spread the "Pay It Forward" love. I will email you asking for your mailing address {and the online address where you are posting your PIF info} so I can get your crafty treat in the mail. Please make sure your email address is visible on your profile or leave it in the comment.

Wow!!! And here I was thinking this would be a short posting as I prepare for Thursday.  Just guess I had some interesting ramblings on's that I wanted to share today. 

Be sure to take part in my PIF by leaving me a comment below.  Let's see with fall upon us and the "Leaf Me Happy" blog starting tomorrow ~~ tell me what your favorite charitable cause is that you work on once the cooler weather starts to set in.

Off for more coffee and to start the day.  I hope to see you Thursday!


Thursday, September 20, 2012

How To Spend A Day.

 Well I'm trying a new look here on the blog to fit in the changing of the seasons.   Around the home front, I see the leaves are starting to color up in their Autumn best.   It was so pretty outside to day that I spent it sitting on the back porch hand-quilting the baby quilt that is for my friend in Scotland.  I'm happy to report that the center is all finished and I'm working on finishing the 1st border side.   I let the breeze whisper in my hair very gently like, as I listened to the babbling of the river and the twittering of the birds playing in the trees as I stitch to the slight movement of the glider with a cuppa of Hazelnut Coffee next to me.

Where I Spent My Day
It was very pleasant as you might image.  I was happy with the progress that I made in this peaceful setting.  I even manage to put in a small amount of time on house work while my other half was out running errands. 

I also try spend on the sewing machine every week as I get ready for the upcoming blog hops.  I'm currently working on a second project for the "Leaf's Me Happy" blog hop for my day of Oct. 4th.  If time allows, I have a third one on the wings.  It will just be a little something that is wandering about in the creative center of my brain playing peek-a-boo with me. 

As for the "Wicked" blog hop that is set up for the end of Oct.,  I'm working on a couple of things for that as well.  So as you can tell,  I'm constantly working on several things at one time.  But I find that doing this keeps me from going stale on any one project. I have a couple of sneak peeks for ya from the projects that I talked about last week. 

There are sooooooo many possible projects that I could be making of these hops, that I'm kinda feeling like a hamster in a wheel just going in circles trying to make finally decisions as to what pieces to use.  LOL..... oh such dilemmas to be in.  I guess it will end up being a surprise for both you & me. ;)

Well other than all that, I finally managed to maek to the library on Wednesday morning to the quilting circle.  It was more of a triangle than a circle but I was happy to sit & talk quilting with some one that knows what I am actually saying.  Oh what an wonderful 1.5 hours of bliss.  With luck I might be able to go next week. 

I made a Monkey Block for my newest Granddaughter for a quilt that the Quilt & Needle "Quiltie Aunties" are making for her. Also in the picture is my choice of 1.5" sashing fabric that I had picked out.  
Hand Appliqued Monkey Block

I have also been working on those challenge tulips that my friend from Wisconsin sent me.  Above is a picture of one of the blocks that was  playing with the layout, before I started to stitch it down.

So that pretty much it for this week.  Not a whole lot of excitement to share.  But as always I love comments and such-nots so feel free to leave a note as you stop by. Let me know what you think of the new colors on the layout.


Friday, September 14, 2012

Upcoming Blog Hops, WIP's, Hand-Work & Afternoon Plans

Hey Y'all!!  The weather is a bit gray and starting to feel like Autumn around here this week.  Which is great for spending lots of time with the sewing machine for sure.  I have been feeling  like I have been a bit under a "blah"  cloud.  But today I sat myself down and made myself get to the business at hand.  Like all those pieces of Halloween fabric that I had cut up a couple weeks ago.  I posted a great picture of it back about 2 weeks ago. 

I also plan to be part of the "Leaf's Me Happy" blog hop. This fun blog hop is hosted by Cherry of  "Cherry Blossoms Quilt Studio" and Madame Sam of "Sew We Quilt".  Both buttons are on the side there if you want to check them out.   This will be interesting as I'm going to be a participate this time.  Yuppers!! You guessed it.... A FIRST for me. This is schedule for Oct. 1st to 10th.  Infact I just found out that my day will be on Oct. 4th.  Here is the link for the Master Schedule that Cherry has put together. 

I have one project done and I'm on the second project for this hop.  This one is in a current magazine and yet again another 1st to be added to my list of 1st.  Needless to say I'm hard at work coming up with ideas for projects and a possible give-away to share with everyone.

Well from that picture, I have a small top completed and I have all 49 blocks pieced together for the "Boo" quilt that I'm working for my son.  Yes ~ that is 33 blocks more than the orginial pattern called for.  These will revealed during the "Wicked" blog hop that I'm going to be a part of will be from Oct. 22nd to 31st.   Which is hosted by Wendy of "Why-Knot-Kwilt" and Madame Sam.  I hope you will stop in and check it out.  I promise to get you the schedule for this one as soon as it becames available.  I know I have a couple of projects that I want to show off for that one!! Samhain (Halloween) is my favorite part of the year.

Last week I did something a little different from the usual quilty.  I made a vintage-inspired full length reversible apron.  It came out really cute. I used doubled stitching on all the seams and really secured the ties on with triple stitching lines.  It will have to take some serious tug-of-war for those to even think about coming undone.  LOL.   Instead of trying to attempt button holes for the neck,  I improvised with Velco.  It was the stick on type so it was easy to place both sides at the same time.  With a few well placed hand stitches, Volia!!! It was finished. 

Side B
Side A
This is also from the same book as the half apron came from that I show ya a couple weeks back.  Which reminds me...... that little apron sold quickly after I showed it to a friend at the local library.  Did my happy dance on that one since it gave me the funding it make this one.  LOL.

Let's see what else since the last time we talked?  Oh I finally finished the center of the baby quilt that I was hand quilting for my friend in Scotland.  The quilt is for her new grandson and made by several of the ladies on my Quilt and Needle group.  They are currently working on two quilts for my grandbabies too.  This group loves making baby quilts and this year we have had a good number of them to be a part of.

I am still  working a couple different pieces of hand applique. I'm Hand-Appliqueing the tulips on to the background fabric.  You might remember that this is the Challenge that my friend in Wisconsin sent me to do.  This is  a challenge that I think I bit off to much.  The challenge was I'm suppose to have all the applique done on all 42 blocks by Dec. 31st @ 11:59pm.  I put my foot in my mouth and said I could have it done by then....  ummmm yeah .... only if I worked nothing else I might.  What was I thinking!!! But I'm still going on them. 

I'm also appliqueing a pair of raven's on a pillowtop for my son to go with his "Boo" quilt.  I'll share more details on that project during the "Wicked" blog hop.  And I'm finishing a Monkey Face for my Granddaughter's quilt that the Quilt & Needle Quilty Aunties are making her.  That will be done today.  So then there are the 3 little blocks that I need for my "Leaf's Me Happy" project that is done by hand embroidery.  I don't think those will take much TV Time to do.  Those might be done by next Wednesday night if all stays on schedule.  Yes, I love doing hand work while "listening" to whatever my Other Half has on the tv in the evenings.  I find it to be quite productive and relaxing. 

Well looks like today I might make me some scones this afternoon.  I'm thinking cranberries sounds really good to me.  Either Cranberry and Orange or Cranberry and White Chocolate.  These will be nice to go with my tea or as a snack.  On the quilty side of things, I'm going to ironing, & trimming the "Boo" blocks so that I can start working on their layout.   So with that, I'll say Thank You for stopping by and let you know that comments, thoughts & suchnot's are always welcomed.


Saturday, September 1, 2012

In Gerda's Honor, WIP's,, Another Sneak Peek, Update

Well this week has been kind of  an up and down for us.  But I'm hoping that those of you who read last weeks post remember me posting about the piece I made  with my Good Friend Gerda.  Well I decide to enter it in the "Quilting Gallery" weekly themed contest and it is currently up along with lots of other beaurtiful quilts.  You should stop by if you get the chacne and have a peek.

So I have been hard at work on the Halloween lap quilt for my son Curtis.  I got all the little embroidery centers completed.  And can start the piecing process.  Yeah!!! I did decide to add 9 blocks to make it just a bit bigger for him. 

Embroidery Block Centers
It is part of a pattern in "Quilt Sampler" fall/winter 2010 issue. I'm hoping to at least have the top done in time for the "Wicked" Blog hop that is in Oct. I'll bring you more details on that soon.  ;)  Then I'm also working on what I hope is my first tutorial during that hop and currently in a designing process.  But it include these fabrics. 
Sneak Peek in Up Coming "Wicked" project
Then I finally got a stencil for the baby quilt that I'm working on.  It's a 2" wave spiral pattern and should nicely balance the straight lines of the pinwheel in log cabins blocks. Now if I can stay off this computer this weekend I should be ready to start marking it out. So depending on how fast I can do all that, I can continue the hand-quilting process.  YEAH!!!!! 

So with that in mind, I'll be signing off and be starting.  Please feel free to leave comments, thoughts or such-nots.
