Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Return of the Challenge.

This week I was reminded that Summer Solstice has come with it’s high temps, even higher humidity and little rain.  It’s all but kept me in the house or places that I might find a reprieve from the heat. Including a friend’s vehicle, since our van is on it’s last legs and no air; but we must keep it limping along the best we can as there is no way to replace it.  We will be in BIG BIG trouble when it finally gives up the ghost as it is the only mode of transportation we have. But for now, I am trying to ease this heat the best that I can. 

Since I finished the tee shirt for my client, I have been taking a sewing machine break.  With all the fans going throughout the house, the Other Half’s oxygen compressor going along with my sewing machine; all the noise has caused a never-ending drone of noise. Which is causing me to grind my teeth to no end and has me feeling agitated with frayed nerves. So the only thing I can truly control is my sewing machine, which was put on a “time-out” for now.  Does it make a bit of difference? No – not really, but I had to try something.  So I bet you wonder - what pray tell have I been working on since I’m taking something of a mechanical break? Well I pulled out my Q&N Challenge top out from last year and added part of the additional border onto it.  I have some pics to show you of course so here ya go! 


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Yuppers … you are seeing that right!  Those little stitches are approximately an eighth of an inch apart and about as tall.  Yes I know doing it that tiny will take forever but this quilt will be all Mine when I finish it and I’m actually considering have this a fair entry.  Scary isn't it … that I might think about entering a county fair…I shudder to think what the judges would think of such a thing…lol. Bur it has a few more years of work before I even think about entering it, since this will be hand quilting once I get the top done; so I’m not sweating it.

My partner and I are still sharing/trading fabrics with each other, thus continuing the “Make Do” theory we have enacted when we started this challenge last year.  I know that I have a nice mixture of fabrics from myself, my challenge partner, my ex-mother-in-law, my “angel “friend, some my homesteader friends, some of my Q & N friends, and I got some fabrics from one of my Wednesday mornings quilting group that I’ll be adding to more of the borders to come.  I’m always looking to exchange fabrics with people and it has enabled me to grow my 1800’s Reproduction fabrics for this wonderful quilt.  I think that I might have the backing for this that was sent to me from another friend in Louisiana a couple years ago. About the only concussion that I have made with this is the thread that I bought for it.  I want to use 100% cotton as they may have used back in the day before polyester so I’m using  Gutermann’s 100% Cotton Col.5201 that is made in Greece and on the dark mustard-colored spool.  It’s kind of a “flat” black and I really like the way it looks against the appliqué pieces.

Well the 4th of July is coming up next week and we will have a houseful for a couple of days, so that meant I spent the afternoon re-hide all the sewing stuff into a variety of new hiding places so that the quest room was presentable.  I’m just thankful that the heat wave had broken as it was sweating enough with out the 80/90*F. temps for a day or two. I’m looking forward to grilling out, making a big batch of my potato salad.  Even my son is getting into the cooking spirit as he will be making two dishes of his own for the cook out too. It’s nice that he is showing some interest in something other making easy prepackaged food that he does down at his dads.  He even went as far as to check out a Kids cookbook from the library last week.

Since the sewing machine is on a “time out” right now, I took the time to clear most of the dining room table of all the “extras” with the exception of my laptop.  I don’t mind at all  since I’m enjoying my hand appliqué at the moment.   When I get the chance and the weather is co-operating with me, I take a cup of sweet tea, along with my appliqué and head outside the river side of the house.  I can watch & hear the birds, feel the breeze gently pull at my wisp of hair that doesn’t quite stay in the ponytail holder and hairclips.  I have discovered that a female hummingbird seems to have taken up housekeeping in a local tree and visits my feeder on a regular bases.  Occasional there is an Oriole who also likes to visit the hummingbird feeder. We also have had Swallowtail butterflies hanging around the feeder lately too. I apologize for the grayness of the 1st 3 pics as I took them through the window.

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 oriole            Show Stuff for 23th of June 015

So when I sitting down at meals, you are most likely to find a book open.  This past week I finished the recently release of “Roses Have Thrones” by Sandra Byrd.  This book I checked out of the library as I enjoy Historical Romance and the Elizabethan Era. This synopsis was provided by



In 1565, seventeen-year-old Elin von Snakenborg leaves Sweden on a treacherous journey to England. Her fiancé has fallen in love with her sister and her dowry money has been gambled away, but ahead of her lies an adventure that will take her to the dizzying heights of Tudor power. Transformed through marriage into Helena, the Marchioness of Northampton, she becomes the highest-ranking woman in Elizabeth's circle. But in a court that is surrounded by Catholic enemies who plot the queen's downfall, Helena is forced to choose between her unyielding monarch and the husband she's not sure she can trust--a choice that will provoke catastrophic consequences. A rich, tautly woven tale of love, deception, and grace, Roses Have Thorns vividly conjures the years leading up to the beheading of Mary Queen of Scots and is a brilliant exploration of treason, both to the realm and to the heart.

So here is my opinion for all that it’s worth so just know that they are mine and mine alone without any influence from the author, publishing house or anyone one else associated with the book.  I could tell right off the bat that Sandra took the time to do her research in the matters of Queen Elizabeth 1, the people known within her court and the happenings not only within the realm itself, but those that influenced the Queen’s life from other countries.  Sandra takes us inside the private life of not only the Queen, but also the ladies that she surrounded herself.  I was very pleased to see the author proper use of the Old English and the how the Queen would have used “We” when dealing with the official state of affairs and her court in public. But she also shows us the vulnerable, motherly, womanly personal side that isn’t often portrayed in many another books that I have read.  The accuracies of the historical side of the book made it pleasure to read. I felt drawn into the story enough that I almost hear the whispering of voices and swishing of dresses as court members walk past me.  I myself could understand the different feelings of the not only the Queen but that of the main character; Elin von Snakenborg. I have have been in Elin’s shoes as I have experienced many moves in my life, how to try & learn the art of fitting it, the acts of betrayal from someone close, and lose of a child. Although the eras are vastly different, those feelings that women have are consistent throughout any time period. I would Highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a good and accurate piece of historical fiction.  I plan to request my local library to bring in more of Sandra Byrd’s books if they don’t have them already. I would give this book 5 stars with 5 being excellent.

Well it has taken me 3 days of writing this weeks entry in between all the extra chores as we get ready for the 4th but I do want Thank all the Veterans' from all the Wars that have given all of us the Right to Freedom at all cost.  Thank You for all our Military for keeping us safe in the Past, the Present and the Future.  I Salute You!!!!

As always comments are welcomed and I look forward to hearing my readers.


Friday, June 21, 2013

Finished on Time, Time for a Change and Review Time.

As of 2 pm EST, I have the right to say I managed to get that Tee-Shirt quilt completed for one of my local Librarians!! Well okay – it’s for her daughter - who just graduated but you get the gist of it. By 2:30 it was in the client’s hands and she seemed very happy with the results.  The end results was this 48” X 48”  of memories of all her daughter’s endeavors. We even have plenty of room for signatures of friends who will attend C’s open house on Sunday. 

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I have to admit this quilt was quite the learning experience for me. Yes…it was my first quilt of this genre and it had been a lesson on so many levels.  Once the household had gone to bed this week; I continued to stay up anywhere's from 12:30 am to 2 am. That bit of uninterrupted time was a blessing in disguise. With the exception of a couple “Velcro” kitties, who was much put out by this quilt taking up so much of my time; but it also took up what the “fuzzies” have decide to be “prime real-estate”. As you see below, Ms. Honey B. was going out of way to remind me that the quilt was taking up WAY TOOO Much of my attention as she tries to distract me to no avail.  She ended up huffing off in a bit of a snit.

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I was able to use that time to gather the quilt into my lap for hand quilting with the “invisible thread” to finish off the “Stitch-in-the Ditch” quilting between each row after I manipulated the seams from both sides to match. So that just left the binding for today when I got up.  This quilt actually ended up feeling heavier than I had expected without batting.  By the time I got the 911FF stabilizer on each of the  shirt blocks, I actually ended up with 4 layers to sew through before adding the binding.  When i presented the client with it, she made a comment about it’s weight and was thankful to have left the batting out of it.  I do have a word of advice for you if you plan to make one of these quilts, DO NOT make is reversible!!  The extra work for making the seams from each side to match will require it to be Hand Quilted.  The is no machine sewing for this project for the rules that we apply to quilting don’t seem work as well with this types.  Ask me how I know?  As I roll my eyes with sarcasm at this point.  So let me save you the grief and frustration and a few colorful words too.

So here we are seeing the end of the month drawing close and I have seen several blogs are reminding their followers of the change/move from GFS.  I have declared my spot on Bloglovin’ months ago, but I have noticed a disturbing trend since then;  I seem to be getting LOTS of spam comments that are sort of random without any context to what the blog is about. It’s just another form of spam for some random website.  It drives me crazy to see this tying up so much of my e-mails. I sure Hope that Bloglovin” will fix this issue after the changes take place in the next couple of weeks as I REALLY don’t want to have to moderate or use comment verification for my comments. As I do know that some times using the comment verification can cause some followers to have problems and then they decide to not even come and visit anymore. 

This past Sunday was my grandson’s 2nd Birthday and I’m happy to report that I was able to attend it. Now you know I got pictures to show ya so here we go….. Grammy & the Birthday Boy, Uncle C. with Birthday Boy and finally: Mommy with Birthday Boy Before and after cake face.  LOL

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My local quilt friend, Ms. D. was kind enough to drive me there.  We had to take the long route since I had to pick up my son- C for the summer from his father’s house in Lansing.  From there we zoomed off to Sterling Heights with hours to spare.  I did take some hand appliqué to work on but I was a bundle of giddy nerves, thus making it unable to concentrate.  So I was happy to help my Oldest Daughter, Ms. C. set up and use the time to talk privately before the rest of the group showed up.  So it was a pleasant time spent all-in-all on a very long day indeed. Lots of food, sun and grandbaby time for me.  My friend even stopped for supper at The Cracker Barrel on the way home.  I had forgotten all the neat things that they have there and the food was good too. 

Now I promised that I would tell y’all about my newest adventure in READING. Some time back I had contacted a couple publishing houses to see if they needed any proofreaders and/or reviewers.  Any how…low & behold, I get some replies and viola’ I’m a Net Gallery Professional Reader.  Got the badge and everything. LOL!  Now just to figure out how to make it smaller. Oh look at that …. I did it!!


So I’m so excited that I did something new, I downloaded a book to my computer.  I picked to read "Secretariat Reborn” by Susan Klaus.  The projected release date is Oct. 1, 2013 by Oceanview Publishing. My word of choice for this book is intrigue by the following definition. 


  • an intriguing; secret or underhanded plotting
  • a secret or underhanded plot or scheme;

    Yup, that would be the word alright.  I got a fresh look at the seedy side horse racing and what happens behind the scenes.  We see the turmoil of broken relationships between a dying father and an estranged son.  The main Character, Christian - agrees to take on his dying father’s 2 year old colt, Glade Hunter; as a last request.  Christian faces many challenges that includes crazy ex-friends, mobsters, and seedy characters behind the scenes of the race track. This story had me in it’s grips from beginning to end with it’s intrigue, mystery and unexpected twist greet you with every turn of the page. You can see the story develop around Christian as he makes some hard decisions and their consequences play out.   I was so impressed with the story that I finished it in one sitting in one evening.  This book has everything thing that I love in a good book and highly recommend it to any one who loves a good horse theme mystery.  I think that Susan can become the next Dick Francis.  She definitely seems to know what she is writing about and is well versed in her research.   I look forward to see more books in the future from Susan.

    Now for the “fine” print.  I was provided with a downloaded version of this book from Oceanview Publishing and that any opinion giving is strictly mine and mine alone without any influences from anyone associated with the author, retailer of the publishing house from which the book came from.  

    Well this has been an busy week and I’m using toothpicks to keep my eyes open, so I’m putting this addition to bed as they say in the newspaper biz. 


  • Friday, June 14, 2013

    Oh When the Time Frame Goes to Pot!

    This week I am sitting here frantically working on a Tee-shirt quilt for a client.  First let me start by saying that this a Reversible Tee-shirt quilt.  Now having said that, all was going well; until this afternoon.  I made it through the time consuming part of it when I had cut out all the shirt pieces into a nice simple 12.5” block and the same with the 911FF stabilizer to go on the back of each said blocks.  I get the front and back each separately put together, drag “Charlie”  out and after a bit of muddling about, threaded with the invisible thread top and bottom.  Yuppers  here we go…Yeah!!!  Wait…. WTH!!!  Crud  - now unstitch the invisible threads…. grrr!!!  and try again….. uuummmm … nope not happening.  Sound like a cartoon character mutter “choice” words under my breath.  Crap!!!  Again with the seam ripper… grit my teeth…. come to the conclusion that I MUST hand quilt this thing in order for both sides worth of seams to marry up properly.  Okay….hang head…muttering “Houston We Have A Problem!!”  The problem….take a wild guess what the problem might be….the client wants the quilt by next FRIDAY!!!   I have 6 days to stitch it up & have it bound & completed on the 20th for a Graduation party for the client’s daughter!!   And of course I lose Sunday all together as I have to go to Sterling Heights via Lansing 1st for a Family thing. 

    So as you can image I’m going to be putting in some long hours this week in order to get this quilt done on time.  But I promise come next week I will have some wonderful pictures to share from the Grandson’s 2nd Birthday Party on Sunday. It will be the 1st in a year that I have able to see him.  There will 3 generations and 2 children/siblings there from my side of the family and we are all quite giddy about it!!  It will be worth the early morning and long day of driving for me. 

    Next week I will also do my first “professional” review for you and I’m really excited about this too.  I know that I said I would do one this week … but you know that saying about best intentions and all.  I guess the paying client comes first no matter what.  While yes…I know this a seriously short this week but I promised to make it up to you next week with family tidbits, pictures and a week in review.  So this my darlings this is where I say Good night ‘til next week.


    Saturday, June 8, 2013


    Today as I sit down to put this post together, I realized that I didn’t think I had much to say, but it’s been one of those weeks for Remembering. On the 5th, I had a sad heart; as it was the 1 year anniversary of one of my closest friends.  Ms. G. touched many people in her life time across borders, oceans and beyond in so many different things that she was part of.  Myself, I felt like she had been watching over me in my personal victories and personal tragedies in this past year.  My thoughts have been that she is close at hand when I need her most with her guidance and hope that she is keeping a extra special eye on my little grand daughter. 

    The family is going through some extremely tough times currently, and that weighs heavy within my heart and will be thankful when these issues have been resolved.  The plethora of feeling has been making a tad difficult to deal with and has me going up & down & sideways.  The thoughts never seem to end so at times I feel like the little dog who is catching his own tail. 

    But I sort of managed to concentrate enough to work on making some skirts for summer wear around the house as a way to survive the impending heat of the summer to come.  With the help of the girls, we made our own pattern as I … uummm … let’s just say … I have a “natural” bustle that is coupled with a sway back. So store bought skirts are very rare and few in between since I must compensate the extra 6” for the back of the skirt in order to make the skirt hang properly.  If you hold the poor thing up, matching up the waist; the whole thing looks awful funny.  So I have 2 completed out of the same sheet … uumm fabric for more or less around the house.  LOL. 

    Then I have had this bolt of beautiful black with large red roses all over it for several years now as I had yet to decide what exactly to with it since it has this “crinkle-ly” like those broom  or “hippy” skirts of the for many many years ago.  This one will be more dressier and I’ll be able to do a dress up/down as the occasion  deems it to be. I plan to have this one finished so that I may wear it on this upcoming Sunday for my grandson’s birthday party.  But just in case, I do have a back up plan.  The last things to do on all 3 skirts is to size the elastic and on the black & red one – hem needs to be pinned & finished.

    In the quilt-y realm of things, I did managed to make eleven 9-patch squares and made 2 calico printed dresses for the 12”  muslin dolls. I have continued to work on both, my pre-printed cross-stitch project is my longest UFO and tulip blocks that was gifted to me that I’m hand appliquéing. So it’s not like I have been sewing, it’s just a case of; it’s not as much I will have expected to have done this week.  Ohhh that does remind me that I have been make much progress on the Tee shirt quilt for Ms. M. And it appears I will have another to make over the winter months after having made a stop in the village variety/resale shop today too!! Yeah… and this one will pay better to boot!!

    Well it’s been a long week so I’ll be putting this issue to bed now.  But with luck I’ll have a much more pleasant posting next week.  I have some pictures that I would like to share and I’ll have to tell ya all about the “professional” reading/previewer  “job” that seems to be coming along.  So stop in next week to find out more. 


    Saturday, June 1, 2013

    Projects New & Revisited, Hail Storms, Books

    Lake Michigan Tree #1

    The week has come & gone so once again it’s time to grab your favorite beverage and take a load off for a few minutes.  With the hot, sticky, muggy weather settling in already, it’s hard to find motivation for doing anything.  But I pushed myself as much as I could after a marathon of moving, sorting, moving again and restacking the contents of a barn into 2 –ish storage units.  Oh Vey!!!  The muscle aches and knocking the back out of whack yet again. Good thing I go see the doc. next week . 

    But I digressed,  I try very hard to do something that related to quilting or needle work in some form daily.  The last 2 weeks at Quilt Group Wednesdays, we have tried to work outside of our comfort zone.  And for me that was making a bag.  I have not ever considered making one as I’m not much on carrying bags or purses.  Guess I’m just not “girly”  enough and work on the philosophy that if I only carry my wallet in my back pocket; I don’t end up carrying everyone else’s crap too.  I didn’t much care for diaper bags either when my children was small and had a need for them.  I kept it simple…. baby…check…. extra diaper…check….. bottle…check…okay ready to go…check.  LOL.  So when the chosen project was a bag… I cringed a tad. 

    We used Valori Wells “Fold & Go” Tote from the May/June ‘09 issue of McCall’s Quilting magazine. The pattern is on page 82-84.  Well since I was sorting fabrics and had quick access to my bolt fabrics, I picked out of my stash.  So with out much more ado… The “Fold & Go” tote.  As you can it didn’t come out toooooo terribly bad. And I even got it done on time for “show& tell”. Yeah Me!!


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     So what else did I work on?  Let’s see, I have been “hired” to make a Tee-Shirt quilt for a local librarians’  daughter for her graduation present.  The quilt will be a lap size and the price is low, but it will be good experience for me.  I am kind of using the “job” as a way to build my skills up for future “jobs” that might come along.   I also got hired to make a kitten themed  panel & 9-patch lap quilt. I got the pillowcase done and sent it on it’s way only after I was sure to take a picture of it.  Want to see? 

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    The fabric is called “Purr-fect Garden  by Jane Maday Licensed to Wilmington Prints for any of you that are interested.  I know lots of quilters love or have cats as they seem to go together like peanut butter and jelly.  LOL.  The pictures don’t do it justice.  These little fur-babies will have you saying “aaaaawwwww”.

    Then I moved onto making some doll dresses for the little dolls the girls & I are putting together for “Santa” to give out at the beginning of Dec. Now I rarely … okay next to never… sew clothing items much less doll dresses.  Uummm yeah!!!  The 1st one was suppose to simple… not gathers or pleats in the sleeves.  When I showed it to the other half … a muumuu comparison was made.  Sooo so not the look I was going for after fighting with it for 2 days.  The simple Amish/Prairie dress for the flat muslin dolls took me under 2 hours from tracing to hand stitching a ribbon on the waist.  Not Bad!  I could make these all day long.  Then I started on another one that needed to be altered so it’s in the WIP’s pile.  But here they are…

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     Meanwhile, I found a very old UFO project that has been floating around for close to other side of 10 years.  I was trying to teach myself how to do printed-cross-stitch.  Of course not having anyone to show me how to actually do it; I was left to devises. And so mistakes made with color placement, “X’s”  were not made properly & the back is one hot mess to say the least.  But I have told myself that I WILL finish this without the names and place it in a frame as a reminder that it’s never to late to finish something, that’s it the journey the piece as traveled to get there that is important.  This not-so-little UFO measures out 11”x 14” when it is completed once the framing step is done.  Last night as I was talking to a friend in Chat, it was dated 2000 and I must have picked it up just with in a year or two beyond that.  I did discover that the piece was discontinued.  I might have gotten it to work on while carrying my boy child and he will be 11 in August.  So yuppers – it’s time for this to get finished!  Don’t you agree?  Well of course I have pictures to show you! 

    It’s been in this hoop since the day I put it on.  I forgot to take the “re-start”  pictures but these might have been with in a couple of nights of dragging it out again.  So far as last night, I got the roses done, although there are a couple green spaces that need to be finished; but at least it’s not in a box buried again.  It’s kind of ironic that we have started watching the first season of “Games of Thrones” in the evenings and I’m doing stitchery as we watch it. I have seen a scene or two of the Ladies practicing the needle skills and here I’m doing the same thing.

    The weather went from winter to summer in quick hurry around but I’ve got to admit I was happy be in New York where yet again the weather has been less than favorable for them.  They in some areas had up to 3’ … yes that feet of fresh snow on Memorial Weekend (read it here). But we did have some wicked storms come through Barryton.  The other day, Thursday I believe; we had large pea size hail off one of them.  I once again grabbed the digital and proceeded to sit on the front porch swing.  I got some interesting textual photos of the different cloud levels.

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    Now none of these photos has been altered in anyway.  The colors are as true as they happened and the lighting was flashing and popping throughout the storm but my digital was unable to capture any of it. We ended up with a temporary drop in temps but as soon as the storm left they began to climb again.  I love sitting on the swing when the storms roll in as the display of fire & water elements fascinates me to no end.  I’ll let you in on a little secret…when I was in my early twenties, I use to love walking during rainstorms.  I would get soaking wet, some funny looks, but I  kick my heels up, dance a bit in bare-footed and the bigger … the storm the giddier I would get.  I was always told “that I didn’t have the God-given sense to come out of the rain like normal people.” But I was one to challenge the rules of “normal” back then and on occasions, I still do.  So don’t be surprised if you ever visit that I go running out of the house when a good storm comes about.  LOL.  I may not dance and carry on like I use to but being outside during one is like finding my “happy” place.  Ooohh -- there is suppose to be a good thunderstorm this afternoon, guess where I’ll found during that time. ;) 

    Let’s see, what else is happening around here.  Oh I added to my little band of sewing machines recently.  Sunday, a friend that I attend quilting group on Wednesday’s stopped by while I was out and she drops off a new goodie for me to learn & play with.
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    Yes folks a little Serger!!  This little one is a Bernette 1 Needle 3 Threads MO-203 Model.
    This is my first serger and Bernina machine.  I haven’t explored the box more as I was heading back out the time but plan to start reading that binder in the near future as I would like to know what this honey can do. So a big “Welcome” to Bernice as she joins the family.  I hope Bernice and I can come to be friends in the years to come.

    Witches, Pixies and Demons… Oh My!!
    Well I’m happy to report that I did finish a book amongst all the chaos in the past week.  I found a new-to-me author at the library that had peaked my interest.  I recently acquired a copy of Kim Harrison’s " Dead Witch Walking"
                                                                       KH Dead Witch Walking

    This is the first book of the Rachel Morgan Series.  It had received high regards in it’s reviews and so up my alley for reading material of late. Bonus … she is a Michigan Native!! Yeah … I actually know where Dexter is due to the fact about half of my Father’s family still resides or has ties to the Chelsea area. It’s nice to know that I can support a local author as I devour her books. According to Barnes & Nobles in their overview…

    “The underground population of witches, vampires, werewolves—creatures of dreams and nightmares—has lived beside humans for centuries, hiding their powers. But after a genetically engineered virus wipes out a large part of humanity, many of the "Inderlanders" reveal themselves, changing everything.
    Rachel Morgan, witch and bounty hunter with the Inderland Runner Services, is one of the best at apprehending supernatural lawbreakers throughout Cincinnati, but when it comes to following the rules, she falls desperately short. Determined to buck the system, she quits and takes off on the run with an I.S. contract on her head and is reluctantly forced to team up with Ivy, Inderland's best runner . . . and a living vampire. But this witch is way out of her league, and to clear her name, Rachel must evade shape-changing assassins, outwit a powerful businessman/crime lord, and survive a vicious underground fight-to-the-death . . . not to mention her own roommate.”

    I personally found the book to be entertaining, moved at a nice pace, an easy read for me that I read it every time I took a meal, had a few minutes of down time and as my bedtime reading material. It’s all that I hoped for and more without feeling like I’ve read the storyline before. If a book can hold my attention, it’s what I consider a “Good Read”  and would highly recommend to others who like to read about things that make you wonder about your neighbors, your bosses or your friends with a paranormal and/or supernatural twist.  I feel like I could connect with Rachel with her red hair, feisty attitude and no-nonsense personality.  It’s almost like we are kindred spirits, she and I. 
    I’m current in the middle of the 2nd book of the series “The Good, the Bad and the Undead” with book 3 waiting for me on the bed stand. Now I will say that no one asked me to review this book, it was just one that caught my eye at the library so the opinion above is strictly mine and without any influences of any kind from the author or the publishing house.

    On Tuesday, I had pre-packed my sewing machine and other needed items for quilt group on Wednesday morning.  I’m not quite the morning person that others are so it’s better for me to do this the night before when my wits are much sharper.  This was the site a find the next morning as I was trying to leave.  I think Honey is trying to tell me to stay home … What do you think?

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    Thank you for stopping by this week and I hope that you enjoyed catching up with me.  I’m off to do  some sewing as I have no plans of sticking my head out the door with this heat and humidity until possibly tomorrow when the weather man deems there will be a break in the weather.  The only way to pry me outside is if the predicted thunderstorm really happens.  Feel to leave comments. I do read them all and enjoying hearing what you have to say.
